Caesars Entertainment

Web Design

Inspiring Grown-Ups to Play

UX Design Lead,
Sr Web Designer
Web Design
Landing Pages


Between 2014 and 2019, I had the opportunity to collaborate on a vast and diverse amount of projects within the company. Almost all of them were multi-disciplinary and involved different people from different teams.
Ruled by the Content Management System, the web development and design team had to work around the technical limitations to bring a more immersive experience to our guests. Below you can see some of the results for landing pages, promotions, features and, redesigns.

Total Rewards - Member Profile

A redesign proposal for the online account dashboard. 

Harrah's New Orleans

Landing page for “We Are NOLA” campaign.

Caesars Entertainemnt Home Page Redesign

The first redesign for domain 2nd Redesign

This new redesign offering a more engaging experience to guests.

Caesars Entertainment HR Homepage

A redesign for the Human Resources hub.

Caesars Palace - Like a Caesars national campaign

The landing page for the ad campaign that ran in 2018-2019.

The LINQ Experience - Brand Campaign

A home page redesign for the hotel homepage based on their re-brand campaign.

Caesars Suites

Homepage redesign for the site showcasing the luxury villas and suites within the company.

Caesars Brands Website

This site help promote the brands for future investors.

Caesars Booking Engine

A redesign of the Confirmation Page at the end of the Book a Room experience. Enhancing the experience with easy to read elements and cross-sale elements.

Caesars Resorts in Las Vegas

A landing page after guests join the WIFI networks during their stay.

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